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Welcome to Genoa Christian Academy


GCA Athletics

GCA is affiliated with the Mid Ohio Christian Athletic League (MOCAL) for Middle School sports. Our High School teams participate in the National Christian School Athletic Association (NCSAA) state tournaments. GCA has earned multiple championships and a few OCSAA and NCSAA tournament runner-up and championship titles.


Our desire for our coaches is to model Christ-like living, love our student athletes, coach in a positive and enthusiastic manner, and work to make a difference in each student's athletic life. Scroll down to read more about our teams.

GCA offers Middle and High School baseball, basketball, cheerleading, golf, soccer, softball, track and field, and volleyball.

GCA sports families must attend a mandatory parent and athlete meeting prior to each season in order for a student to participate

in tryouts. 

GCA families may purchase discounted season or annual sports passes at the gate. GCA students get in free to home games. Season or annual sports passes are not accepted at away games or tournaments.

Individual Ticket Prices: (subject to change)

Non-GCA students and senior citizens: $5

Adults: $6

Family Max: $20

Children 5 and under are free.

​(Season pass details will be published soon.)

Sports parents: SignUp Genius links for event volunteers are available through the SportsYou app.  


Thank you for your support!

Brian Jennings, Athletic Director

Team Gear Fundraiser TBA
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